Other common names
Tendon Achilles tendinitis
Tendon Achilles rupture
Who does it affect?
Why does it occur?
The cause of this condition is unclear and controversial. It can either occur at the insertion onto the heel bone or more commonly about 3-5cm above the insertion.
Well localised pain either at the insertion of the Tendon Achilles onto the heel bone or just above. It is made worse by resisting ankle movements.
Ultrasound or MRI scan will confirm the thickened tendon with any areas of degeneration within the tendon and can exclude a tear.
X-ray can exclude an underlying bony prominence of the heel bone if pain is at the insertion.
Non-operative treatment
Rest, anti-inflammatory analgesics, avoidance of aggravating activities, temporary use of heel inserts, stretching exercises and physiotherapy, with the use of ultrasound or laser.
Operative treatment
If conservative treatment fails, surgical intervention may be necessary. This would require tendon release, tendon debridement +/- repair +/- excision of bony prominence from the heel bone.